Thursday, June 10, 2010

Decisions. They're always such a bother. One wrong decision and you're done for. Pretty soon I'll have to make decisions soon. Probably now too. Medicine or dentistry? To twin or not to twin? Should I take his/her advice on anything? Is it the right time to get a girlfriend?

Just an example of decisions that has the potential to change your life.

After A levels, I have to decide. Sometimes I'm just scared that I'll make decisions that I'll regret for the rest of my life.

It's no longer the times when we could take up Accounts for SPM, don't do well and it's okay.

I've seen people make decisions and end up regretting over their wrong choices.



Praise said...

hey, trust in the Lord that He will guide you and give you wisdom! Do not be anxious about anything! E hem, girlfriend. who do you have in mind?

ern said...

No one in mind. Not interested for the now. I was just listing the various possibilities that could happen. Don't be disappointed yeah XD

Praise said...

ha ha i was just curious! LOL! All the best for you exam ern wei! The Lord's peace be with you! =)