Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I've decided to have a recap on what happened during the year 2007 (Not likely to be in order, just listing out by memory). So here I go............................
- South Korean missionaries are kidnapped by Al-Qaeda. Does the stupidest thing in the world by    torturing them as the only thing they want to do is help.
- MPs make sexist remarks.
- The RM9 mil cop inspires many chinese to join the police force in hope of earning lots and LOTS
   of money.
- Our nation finally has someone that literally meninggal dunia wo is none other than our very
   own Sheikh Muszaphar.
- A man got his scrotum bitten by a dog. Thankfully, nothing more got chomped off.
- Britney Spears shaves her head, goes wild, loses custody of her children and goes to rehab.
- Britney's sister Jamie Lynn turns out to be a naughty girl as well. Turns out that she's    pregnant.
- Benazir Bhutto gets assasinated.
- Can't think of any right now

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