Saturday, January 03, 2009

I'm back from NS until the 8th.
Down with Chikungunya virus.

Though my legs are still weak,
I wonder if I'll be fit to go back for NS,
But I wonder if God is telling me that I can now go for JS.

Probably not.
Either way, I'm still not sure.
I guess God has His way in doing things.
I mean,
If I didn't get NS,
Going for JS or going to MCKL for the January intake would also be rather doubtful.
Since my body is so weak.

Guess time will tell,
And through God's will,
I will follow.


Anonymous said...

Gosh... Hope you get well ya...

In His will, in His Time,

chan leong said...

alamak.... get well soon ya....

if u can succumb to chikungunya then doesn't tat mean tat the rest of the camp are at risk too? they should close the camp up for a few weeks and do a thorough cleaning man or else more is gonna get sick....

nway... have a good rest n take care....

ern said...

I don't think they'll do that.
Since they tested my blood and it was negative because they only do platelet count. They think that I'm just having a fever. If there's an outbreak it's their problem. Not mine. xD