Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Saturday, October 20th 2007. The day MYFers from Taiping Wesley decided to have a 'gotong-royong' at our newly extended church. We cleaned the second-floor, the first-floor and the ground-floor. But all the aunties and mothers complain that it isn't clean enough (the ground-floor. What do they think who we are???) Well, here are the pics I got courtesy from Choong Huey Shern (Amy).

The church before cleaning.

Washing the floor and figuring out how to get the water out of that area. Dang, they forgot to build make a hole for the drain!

Our beloved Bryan who fervently is trying to get the best pose for the cameragirl (Huey Shern).

And what Huey Shern labelled me in her blog....
*drum roll....

Ketua Janitor

Yes! She labelled me so. Not some name that I created that will make me 'perasan' or 'syok sendiri'.

1 comment:

Amy said...

haha. good one. i like the ending of your post :)