Friday, August 24, 2007

Two things to say about Monday's St. John which was titled "N-Joy Camp".


The camp, showered with droplets from heaven, signalled the end of the camp. As our 'smart' President thought that there was no need for backup (indoor games), no activities took place from 2.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. (yes the rain lasted that long). Desperate for ideas to entertain the campers, we slept(yes, we needed rest for the best part at night). Thus, sleep was needed.

Funny thing was, the night's big event(GhostBusters), the campers got the fright of their lives seeing me covered in a blanket sheet with holes for me to see and breathe. But there was this guy who commented how badly made the costume was. Also saw a drunk driver knock a small tree that day too.

Guess that pretty summed up N-Joy/No-Joy Camp.


siehjin said...

hey ernwei! =)

this has nothing so do with the post you wrote (sorry about that) but i've forgotten your email and i wanted to tell you this...

you remember that day at your cf, my colleague jojo (aka josephine) did a session on conquering giants in your lives? i noticed that both groups mentioned God as one of the things they see as giants standing against them.

we should have said something about that but we were remiss. anyway, some time ago i tried to do that in another cf but interestingly enough, in this case none of the 5 groups mentioned God as a giant.

so it's something for you to think about; seems to be localised in your school. somehow we (or maybe just you, since you're there and i'm far far away in kl) have to think of ways to help the youth in your school realise that God isn't our enemy; He's our friend. He isn't against us; He's for us. He's not the giant; He's far bigger and more powerful than any giant and He's on our side!

hope that makes sense to you and you can communicate it to your cf somehow.

take care and God bless! =)

ern said...

I'll tell them that in our next cf meeting.