Thursday, October 21, 2010

I learnt a new word yesterday.

The new word is racist.

“History is witness to the fact that when Umno leads, not only the Malays get the benefits but all other races enjoy them too. As such, we will neither hesitate nor be apologetic to fight for a fair economic distribution for the Malays and bumiputras,”

“And again, we will not be apologetic in protecting our Malay identity, in upholding the Malay culture and heritage as long as we are fair to everyone,”

A quote from our beloved Muhyiddin.

Racist means having preference towards a certain race.
Therefore, not being racist means that we are equal to all BUT we must champion the rights of a certain race.

How enlightening! Thank you, Muhyddin, for enlightening me by how not to be racist.

Monday, October 18, 2010


“Saya terima banyak panggilan daripada warga emas yang bertanyakan mengenai perkara itu dan mereka bimbang serta gelisah kerana sudah menerima wang RM100 dan RM1,000 terbabit sejak kerajaan negeri melaksanakan program penghargaan warga emas.

“Mereka sangat bimbang dengan dakwaan wang berkenaan dari sumber duit judi yang haram bagi umat Islam … penjelasan berkenaan bagi menghilangkan keraguan orang ramai di mana sehingga kini masih belum ada sebarang penjelasan walaupun sudah beberapa hari blog berkenaan membuat dakwaan terbabit.”

Umno Youth Information chief Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, accusing Lim Guan Eng of using gambling revenue to finance their Senior Citizens Appreciation Program.

“We want an answer from Lim (Guan Eng). If the money is from a forbidden source, Muslims will have no part in it.”

Another joker, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, demanding answers on whether the money was from gambling revenue.

Oh puhleeeeze....

Just before the World Cup fever you buggers were pushing to legalize football betting because you claimed that the Government will be able to generate revenue for the good of the nation. Don't you think helping the retirees is one way you can use gambling revenue for? Now fast forward to 5 months in the future you tell people not to take "duit haram". How about taxes from alcohol? Karaoke centres? Gambling? Gambling summore!!! Taxes from there are used to pay civil servants. Now look who's talking!

Come on la Reezal. Don't make me laugh. Where do you get your main income from? Don't tell me that your duit kopi is halal. Hahahahahahaha. I'll slap you.

Friday, October 08, 2010

I remember it was just last year. I followed Zu Ning for bible study. Aunty Karen picked us up and after that dropped us home. Though she was the first "aunty" I met in Whispering Hope, I never really got to know her well. She was one of those who would drive around KL to pick people up to church. Should have tried to get to know her better like the rest of the "uncles and aunties" in Whispering Hope. Though she has left us all, we can take comfort by the fact that she's now safe, in the arms of our Father, who created us. Take care, Aunty Karen.